World Hunger Relief
Action Against Hunger
Action Against Hunger (known internationally as Action Contre la Faim, or ACF) is an international relief and development organization committed to saving the lives of malnourished children and families while seeking long-term, sustainable solutions to hunger. Recognized as a world leader in the fight against hunger and malnutrition, Action Against Hunger specializes in responding to emergency situations of war, conflict, and natural disaster.
World Food Programme
The World Food Programme (WFP) is the food aid branch of the United Nations, and the world's largest humanitarian organization. WFP provides food, on average, to 90 million people per year, 58 million of whom are children. From its headquarters in Rome and more than 80 country offices around the world, WFP works to help people who are unable to produce or obtain enough food for themselves and their families.
The Life You Can Save (book)
In these times of global crisis where everyone fears for tomorrow, politicians of all sides and from all countries bustle about "overhauling capitalism". As always, forgotten in these discussions are the poorest. Faced with this flagrant abandonment from the government, the certainty grows on Peter Singer: citizens must seize the problem individually. In this explosive essay, he appeals to civic responsibility and human solidarity. He exposes our moral obligations towards those who suffer from hunger, whether they are at the corner of our street or across the globe, because one billion people struggle to survive on less money per day than the price of a bottle of water. He also offers pragmatic solutions to eradicate poverty in the world, laying the groundwork for the twenty-first century’s activism.
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